
heart welcome to my website!


disc two new songs are out! check out let go / sides disc

cover image

train emoji visitor count

haseo gif atoli gif



emoji 30-01-2025

im trying to learn how to draw so i can make art of my silly ships

status: consuming too much media reading


emoji 24-12-2024

fire emblem awakening is so fun im addicted... also i'm in love with chrom love

status: enjoying summer break sun


emoji 8-11-2024

i wanna add new things to the site so bad but i've been so busy with college sad

status: tired sleepy


emoji 2-11-2024

woah the index looks so cool now... i wanna add more stuff just have a bunch of shit on screen 4 no reason u know...

status: wanting to play xenosaga for 5 hours straight sleepy


emoji 31-10-2024

welcome 2 my microblog smile i will post small updates here!!

status: wanting to drop out of college sleepy

star this website was made from scratch by me, and most graphics in here are made by me as well. please don't use any of it without permission! star

emoji hi im lydels! i make electronic music about things i love... check the left menu for links and lyrics! emoji


two new songs are out! check out let go / sides

cover image

cat gif site update 30/1: new stuff on the videogames page


feel free to paste this code to link back to my site!

click on a square!

im currently playing: tales of berseria
last game i beat: FE awakening
games finished this year so far: 1

cafe rosΓ©
made by a girl
wii xenoblade lovecom