
album of the month

fav track: mix it

tall tales EP

genres: breakbeat hardcore, jungle


january 2025

who said EPs cant be included in "album of the month" huh... it is MY website and I make up the rules
so i've been practicing DJing for a while now with my controller and it's been really fun just doing small sets in my room. but around a week ago some cool people invited me to practice using a CDJ for the first time... and well it was scary LOL especially at the beggining since it took me a while to re-organize my brain but also omg i had so much fun... they of course had a much more powerful soundsystem than my bedroom lol and playing my favorite tracks in those big ass speakers in front of some other ppl was the best feeling ever!!

but the track that made me feel the best when i played it was by far "mix it" by dwarde & gand. i cannot express how much i love this track and how much it makes me want to dance :P the vocals, the piano, the DRUMS and the bass, and the way it's beautifully mixed and mastered so it all hits even harder, ITS SO DAMN GOOD!!

this EP made me realize how much i love breakbeat/oldschool hardcore. i love jungle too dont get me wrong but sometimes i want to hear something with a bit more of a constant rythm and heavy kicks while still having the breaks and chopped drums, and this ep is exactly what i want to hear more of. i really hope i can find similar releases to this one...

i found about this EP thanks to "a break from reality" (a super sick jungle/dnb/hardcore radio show that u can check out here) they played the track "aqua" and i absolutely loved it and it led me to find this so shoutout to them!


album of the month

fav track: kitsune maison freestyle

porter robinson

genres: indie dance, pop


december 2024

ive always liked some porter songs ever since i was a teenager listening to edm n stuff, but for some reason i never really connected that much with worlds and nurture. i loved virtual self SO MUCH btw (i'll probably write about it at some point it changed my life) but when it comes to his main alias i think my life events + music taste never aligned with the releases if that makes sense lol so a few months ago i gave smile a listen just thinking it could have some songs i liked as with the other albums... and i ended up loving the whole thing so much aaaaaaaaaaaa

i think that what made me appreciate this album in the first listen is how sincere the lyrics sound and feel... probably because it's not something i usually expect from electronic music? it's not like we don't have ppl that talk about feelings at all but i feel like a lot of ppl end up picking one feeling to talk about in order to fit a certain image or brand they want for themselves, or they write about things on a very surface level in order to keep their relatability and etcetera...

but smile is personal and silly and awkward and cliche and real as fuck and thats why i love it!! i love that it's an album about being human and struggling with stuff and deciding to either cry or laugh about it. i love how it loves cliches and it's not afraid of saying stuff your parents or someone older than you might have told you at some point. i love how it's not mysterious or vague and how it doesn't try to be something that it's not. kitsune maison freestyle is probably the silliest song on the album but it's one of my favorites, because i think that these days we really need to be reminded of the most obvious things we constantly forget like "hey everyone is struggling, even the people who look really cool on instagram" LOL do u know what i mean...

it's been a while since i've been so obsessed with an album honestly lol it might be partly because with this one there's the Extremely rare occasion where there is a chance of the artist who made it coming to where i live to perform it... literally nothing confirmed yet he might not even actually come but the possibility of it happening makes me so excited LOL i dreamed about going to the smile tour 4 times already im losing my mind!!!! GRAHHH porter robinson please announce the fuckin south america dates and argentina better be there...


album of the month

fav track: john frustrante

seeyalater stratocaster

genres: vocaloid, indie, emo


november 2024

i'm getting into vocaloid in my twenties i might be cringe but i'm free...
i really really like this album. i found one of the songs years ago and liked it a lot but only a few days ago decided to check out the rest for some reason?? and im very glad i did!!
i really needed something like this i think... maybe its bc these last months i've been listening to a lot of instrumental only electronic music, but the lyrics and guitars in this album hit hard for me lol sometimes u need to put the breaks down n be emo for a bit u know... of course theres also the fact that its vocaloid and i'm starting to listen to a Lot of vocaloid... i don't know why now out of all times in my life but rn im listening to kikuo and inabakumori on repeat all day... I WAS MISSING OUT!!
so yeah send me your vocaloid recs if theres any vocaloid enjoyers reading this :3 im kinda late to the party but im addicted n i need more :P


album of the month

fav track: escape - the optical mix

lost paradise: blissed out breakbeat hardcore 1991-94
various artists

genres: jungle, hardcore, atmospheric


october 2024

i love jungle and hardcore! i found this album/EP on spotify randomly one day and i've been listening to it a lottt. i wish old DJs didn't have such vague artist names not only because there are tons of artists named "escape" but also bc this is probably just one of 8 alias they used lol... apparently this ep was this alias' only release? totally different vibe from the track on this album's vibe but still cool!
speaking of old jungle music today i searched "jungle hardcore mix" on youtube and sorted by last updated just 2 see what would show up and i 100% recommend doing the same lol... you'll get some of the usual "y2k videogame music mix" with the same 3 sewerslvt songs on them but a lot of other results are british dudes with their weekly or sometimes even daily jungle 90s mixes, who seem to somehow never run out of obscure-exclusive-limited edition vinyls to play.. shoutout to them


jungle & dnb

jungle, dnb and some oldschool hardcore

j-pop & vocaloid

jpop, shibuya kei, vocaloid n some j-rock

house & garage

no french house i have a separate playlist for that

loud electronic music

hard trance, hyperpop and uncategorizable loud music

my spotify playlists